Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wire in the Tru (Blood) Calling from the Dollhouse (and Welcome to It)

Dream started out in an institutional building that resembled my elementary schools back home; some kind of science fair / LARP (again? really?) / art show was going on including one station where we dressed in bluescreen-material body suits and did interpretive dance while films were projected over us. And then the morris dancing (natch).

Cut to: I'm driving with someone to dispose of a body (watching too much Wire I guess) off of a bridge, but when we get there it's really a seaport. We get lost in the rabitty warrens of tunnels trying to find a pier to dump the body off. My partner* in crime (who's by this point confessed to me that he's high as a kite) decides we'll use this one -- but they're about to offload a boat full of goats. He manages to dupe the dockworkers into letting us in, we stow the body and he lets the truck roll away as a distraction. I book, run into a security guard who helps me (why? read on...) escape by showing me a trapdoor that leads to a tiny crawlspace where we recover syringes and a blood testing kit. Security Guard is revealed to be some kind of evil vampire who has Nefarious Designs. I book (again? really?) and run out the front door of my Grandmother's house into the street.

Fortunately at this point the alarm went off and I woke up.

*note: partner was not My Associate

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