Thursday, June 25, 2009

Have to Believe We Are Magic(k)

I dreamed I was head of a group of Mages being besieged by a rival group. I met the two leaders of the other group at the door for a Frank Exchange of Bon Mots.

"Michael, you're a dilettante, a poseur and a bully. You're only interested in a quick buck, an easy lay and a good meal. Not that there's anything wrong with any of those, it's just not what Magick is for."

Clearly too much LARPing in the past. Or too much "Supernatural". Or maybe I'm just excited that we've got "Into the Labrynth" waiting for us when we finish watching "Supernatural." I will not be denied the Nidus any longer.

1 comment:

  1. How does one determine how much LARPing is too much?

    Also, so tired of those baseless Nidus-deniers
