"When the effect came, it was almost unnoticed because it happened to such a small insignificant form of life."
Mildly creepy, absent any other context. A little digging found the source, a film called Phase IV about a takeover by ants -- but not the giant mutant radioactive kind (oh *Them*), regular-sized ants that -- for reasons never really made clear -- start acting in a distinctly un-ant-like way.
"Phase IV" is the only feature film by Saul Bass, otherwise known (or unknown) as a title designer. It was given the MST3K treatment, which I haven't seen, and -- no disrespect to Mike, Joel and the Bots I think I might just prefer to leave it that way. There's something about this film. . .
I literally* flew out the door when I heard it was playing at The Castro Theatre (cue Wurlitzer), and to my delight it's been released on DVD. I don't think I could really do the film justice, so I'll just throw links at the problem and hope that one or more of them will stick and interest you in seeking out this film for yourself:
- Not Coming To A Theater Near You (review)
- Dot Dot #11 (via Google Books)
With excerpts from screenplay - SF360 Profile on Saul Bass (director)
- GoofButton ( many stills)
First, the Bees and Wasps. And now the ants. For my next trick, I will turn into a giant centipede.
*not literally